#5 Task 1 – Sydney to Melbourne Air Travel (Bar Chart)

The charts below give information about the price of tickets on one airline between Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, over a two-week period in 2013. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The given bar graphs compare the travel fare of to and fro trips between Sydney and Melbourne in two weeks in 2013.

Overall, it can be observed that airline prices were high on weekends and Monday while on other days the rate was almost constant.

Considering the journey from Sydney to Melbourne, during the first week, Monday was the most expensive with $80 on air ticket. Then, on Tuesday and Wednesday prices were halved but, later increased to $75 by Friday. However, cost followed a further decline on weekends and had only $50 on Sunday. Week 2 also charged the same price on all days except Monday when the cost was $30 lesser than the first week.

Regarding return trip from Melbourne, Friday was found to be costliest day. Although $80 had to be spent on week 1, in the next week it was 20 dollars lesser. Similar to Sydney-Melbourne flight, in week 1 expenses on Monday ticket was slightly higher than that of the next week by 20 dollars. Nevertheless, weekends figured the same price for both the trips on airline.