IELTS speaking is to assess the language proficiency, not the intellectual capacity. You can answer from your personal experience of the knowledge that you possess.
- Despite the spontaneity, examiner expects error-free sentences and grammatical range comprising of simple, complex and compound sentences to award the candidate higher score. In fact, even if you are spontaneous, the grammatical errors cost you much
- IELTS is a proficiency test on English, and not a formal interview. So, candidates are free to dress up as they wish. Although eye contact is necessary to be natural in conversation, it does not imply that candidate has to glare at the examiner throughout the session. Similar is the care with the body language- controlled gestures which are appropriate to the talk can be used.
- No matter how polite you are, if you can convince the examiner with you answers, you will get better score. Personal views are not to be changed in order to please the examiner, but linguistically you have to prove what you stand for.
- Response to any occasion is to be natural, rather byhearting any answer. The trained examiner can easily understand the rote learnt answers based on which you many score lesser, although learnt answers can make you confident.
- It is true that lexical resource is assessed in IELTS test but it should be appropriate to the context. Always remember: simpler usages and vocabulary add beauty to your speaking.
- Even if basic phonemic features are counted in this test candidates are not expected to imitate the nature speakers. However, rhythm, tone and intonation are aimed at to score high.
- As Cambridge unnecessary has strict guidelines and parameters to assess the quality of English in speaking modules, the trained examiners of this university are not allowed to change the criteria. In fact, candidates can expect an unbiased assessment from every examiner whoever they are and wherever you write.
What is speaking in IELTS
In this module examiner assess the linguistic / language proficiency of the candidate. It is a semi-formal interview in which the candidate has to speak with the examiner in person. It lasts for 11-14mts. There are 3 parts for this test.
In this session candidate and examiner introduce themselves. The examiner asks certain familiar topics such as studies/work , hometown, travel, friends, house, flowers and mirror
In session candidate will be given a topic with a few cues and asked to prepare for a minute. Then candidate will have to speak continuously for 1 ½ to 2 mnts; exactly to mention, until the examiner stops you.
This is a two-way conversation in which examiner asks certain questions based on the topic which was asked in part II. However, sequence of question will be based on the candidates answer. Positive aspect is that you can control the questions as it is evolved from your own answers!)
- Candidate should have superior (in-depth) knowledge in various topics …. (But It is not so.)
- Spontaneous delivery speaking scores highest even if there are serious grammatical errors.(No.Grammatical errors will reduce your scores)
- There are certain hand and fast rules about eye contact, body language and even dressing style. (Sorry.. It’s just a myth)
- To be very polite in such a way that candidate does not disagree with the examiner. (No.. You can express your opinion frankly)
- Already prepared answer (rote-leaving of Task card and expected answer to the questions) score higher.( Never)
- Tough words and complex usages care impress examiner. (Be simple in words and loyal to the context)
- Pronunciation should match with that of natives.
- Score differ as per the examiner and centre.( Scores are decided by your performance)
- Examiner intentionally asks complicated question so as to reduce the confidence of the candidate and there by the score. (Never. They always try to bring the best out of you along with checking your proficiency)
- Answering directly to the questions is not exactly needed, but by beating around the bush, (extending the speaking) helps to score higher.( Be straight to the question..)
- Higher bands of IELTS speaking can be achieved without practice, training or guidance and only short span of time is needed for it. (Score is given to your proficiency. Therefore, duration of your preparations can be fixed based on how good you are in English)