Essay 1 – Working Hours (Agree or Disagree)

Although countries with long average working hours are economically successful, this often has some negative social consequence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is a fact that there is a correlation between work duration and productivity. Even though prolonged working hours increase the financial growth of nations, it affects individual and society adversely.

To begin with, the extended work schedules affect the health and well-being of workers gravely. To explain, if people work hard without proper rest, it will affect their psychological and physical fitness severely as they lack enough sleep and leisure time. For example, those who work long hours in the IT field are vulnerable to illness, including fatigue, work stress and depression. Therefore, longer working hours improve the quality of work, however, it results in serious health issues which in long run may lead to retarded growth.

Additionally, another major unfavourable effect resulting from long working periods is that employees hardly get the opportunity to interact with others. To elaborate, in order to meet the deadline, professionals have to spend more time in workplace. As a result, they are unable to take part in social gatherings. Consequently, not only the emotional bonding among people will be reduced but also, they tend to be more self – centred and disappointed. Finland, the happiest nation in the world, reports having only 4 working days in a week. This example proves that a shorter work schedule helps to create a healthy and a happy society. Hence, it is irrefutable that working continuously for several hours is detrimental to the society even though it contributes to the prosperity of the nation.

To conclude, although the lengthy working shift improves the national income, it raises health concerns along with less social interactions.

1.Lexical Resources

  • Workers, labourers, employees, workforces
  • Duration, period, schedule
  • Adversely, gravely, unfavourably
  • Engage, take part in, involve, participate
  • Help, assist, favors, facilitate, aid
  • Concerns, issues, problems
  • Long, lengthy, prolonged, extended (in case of time)

 2. Coherence & Cohesion

      Linkers and linking words are indicated in red color.

 3. Grammatical Range

      Complex and compound sentences are highlighted in green color.