Essay 6 – Voluntary Work (Discuss Both Views)

Adult youths are often called up for working for the development of communities. Some people say that they should work voluntarily, whereas others say that they should get paid. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Essay 1 (To be paid)

Youngsters being the majority involved in community work, there is a debate whether they should be monetarily incentivized for their efforts or not. I think, adults should receive compensation for their social work.

On the one hand, certain people suggest that the youth should provide free services to society as it enriches their humanitarian values. To expand, if individuals spend time and effort on civic services without any financial gain, it will make them generous and socially responsible citizens. For example, the Blue-Ribbon movement by a group of college students cleaned marine lines of Mumbai without accepting any remuneration. They commented that such initiative inspired themselves to be more altruistic.

On the other hand, some advocate that young volunteers should be rewarded for their communal service because it helps them to be self-reliant. To elaborate, at young age, individuals require money for expenses such as education, medical and rent. Therefore, paying a salary enables them to be independent, by which they could meet their living expenses. For example, many colleges students do internships at various NGOs since it allows them to solve various civic issues as well as a means for income.

In my opinion, the youngsters who indulge in community service must be waged as it not only urges them to be self-sustaining but also to work efficiently. To explain, unless and until the person is paid, they feel discouraged in the long run as there is no personal gain. Besides, they have to do an additional job for their earnings which makes them exhausted.

To conclude, payment is essential for youngsters to be productive and self-sufficient while they strive to improve themselves and their communities.

Essay 2 – (Not to be paid)

Youngsters being the majority involved in community work, there is a debate whether they should be monetarily incentivized for their efforts or not. I think, youth should volunteer for social works considering it as a civic virtue.

On the one hand, some advocate that young volunteers should be rewarded for their communal service because it helps them to be self-reliant. To elaborate, at young age, individuals require money for expenses such as education, medical and rent. Therefore, paying a salary enables them to be independent, by which they could meet their living expenses. For example, many colleges students do internships at various NGOs since it allows them to solve various civic issues as well as a means for income.

On the other hand, certain people suggest that the youth should provide free services to society as it enriches their humanitarian values. To expand, if individuals spend time and effort on civic services without any financial gain, it will make them generous and socially responsible citizens. For example, the Blue-Ribbon movement by a group of college students cleaned marine lines of Mumbai without accepting any remuneration. They commented that such initiative inspired themselves to be more altruistic.

In my opinion, the youngsters who indulge in community service should do it free of cost as it not only makes them humane but also service-oriented. Being devoted selflessly to the betterment of society, they will not be materialistic and always have a charitable approach.


(After analysing both the sides, I think youth should be encouraged to engage in social activities voluntarily instead of paid activities. These no salaried jobs make them socially committed and dutiful as per the requirements while remuneration is likely to generate materialistic attitude.)

To conclude, while youngsters strive to improve their community, it must be a selfless service which inspires social values in everyone.

1. Lexical Resources

  • Social, civic, communal, community, public
  • Salary, income, wage, remuneration, monetary incentives, reward
  • Independent, self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-sustaining
  • Selfless, altruistic, charitable, generous
  • Involve, indulge, participate
  • Encourage, urges, inspire

2. Coherence & Cohesion

Linkers and linking words are indicated in red color.

3. Grammatical Range

Variety of complex and compound sentences are highlighted in green color.