Essay 24 – Truth or Lie (Agree or Disagree)

Some people think that telling the truth is not always essential. It is necessary to tell lies sometimes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Being honest is always a good quality that many people suggest following. However, I think that telling lie on certain occasions is advisable if it benefits the person or community in either way.

To begin with, lying is permissible when it is not told without a malicious intention. To explain, there are incidents on which truth must be kept confidential or else, it will either be misused or manipulated to harm the privacy of an individual or a system. For example, while communicating with a stranger it is always better to give falsehood information rather than publicising factual details. Hence, occasional lies are preferred for the purpose to secure the truth from being botched.

Moreover, it is obligatory to fabricate the truth in particular situations as a part of giving emotional support. To elaborate, revealing the truth on certain circumstances may impact adversely on the physical and psychological state of a person or society; therefore, it is mandatory to conceal the reality by telling a lie. For instance, considering a cardiac patient who appears incompetent in accepting his health condition, it is justifiable to withhold the severity of the disease and take an optimistic approach. Thus, sometimes lies are more worthwhile than truth if it results in healthy outputs.

However, the lies used for betraying a person for one’s selfish and vicious profits cannot be excused and even be charged for criminal offence.

To conclude, it is not necessary to be truthful in every situation, so it is recommended to tell lie when it is demanded to prevent the truth from being mishandled or to help anyone to be emotionally strong.

1. Lexical Resources

  • Lie, falsehood, fabricated truth
  • Misuse, manipulate, botch, mishandle
  • Obligatory, mandatory
  • Justifiable, permissible
  • Conceal, hide, withhold
  • Honest, truthful
  • Occasion, incident, instance

2. Coherence & Cohesion

Linkers and linking words are indicated in red color.

3. Grammatical Range

Complex and compound sentences are highlighted in green color.