Essay 27 – Choice of Having Fewer Children (Mixed Type)

Many people today, especially in the developed world, are choosing to have fewer children, or none at all. Why is this happening and do you think it is a good trend?

Nowadays, in advanced countries, couples decide to have one or no child due to several reasons. However, I think it is a constructive step which supports the development of the individuals and nation.
To begin with, one of the reasons why people in progressive nations plan to have a lesser number of children is that they give preference to their personal growth. To explain, since children are additional responsibility, people cannot invest much time in their careers whereas if they are child-free voluntarily, they can focus and work for it. For example, scientists and other professionals whose job demands constant efforts prefer to have a single or no child to make their life easier and manageable.
Additionally,  another factor which promotes single or no-child families is that they experience better financial status. To elaborate, when partners have more children, a large sum of money is required for their schooling and health care while spouses having no child can utilise that amount to improve their lifestyle. For instance, the people who have fewer children can expend on tours and luxuries because they have comparatively minimum expenditure.
In my opinion, the trend of having lesser or no child is a progressive change as it ensures the sustainability of the country. To expand, this family planning not only strengthens the financial security of the country but also evades the consequences of population explosion. A case in point is that many developing nations such as China have started to implement the policy of single child as a measure to improve the living standard in that country.
To conclude, it is a positive choice that partners choose to have fewer children or none at all as it favours both individuals as well as national growth.
1. Lexical Resources
  • Advanced, progressed, developed, improved
  • Constructive, progressive

2. Coherence & Cohesion

    Linkers and linking words are indicated in red color.

3. Grammatical Range

    Complex and compound sentences are highlighted in green color.